Join Us in Honoring 50 Years of God's Grace
Celebrating Five Decades of ImpactFor half a century, CHIEF has been dedicated to transforming lives and communities, as we honor God’s grace and His work among Native American and First Nations communities. Join us as we commemorate this milestone with a series of special events throughout the year.
Our Journey: 50 Years of Service
Since our founding in 1975, we have been committed to making a difference in the lives of those we minister to and serve. Over the past 50 years, CHIEF has launched numerous initiatives that have impacted Native American and First Nation communities through evangelism efforts, discipleship, leadership training and fostering ministries of help through sustainable community development. Our achievements are a testament to God’s grace and the unwavering dedication of the ministry, church partnerships, and supporters. As we celebrate this milestone, we reflect on our journey and look forward to continuing our mission of strenthening the Native Christian church.
You're Invited!
Join Our 50th Anniversary Celebrations
Dear Friends and Supporters,
We are thrilled to invite you to join us in celebrating 50 years of CHIEF’s mission and ministry, as we honor God’s grace and His work among Native American and First Nations throughout North, Central, and South America.
This event will be a time to celebrate the impact of these efforts of evangelism, discipleship and helps in Native America, but also an opportunity to give thanks for the partnership and generosity of friends like you that have made this work possible. We invite you to join us at one or more of our 50th Anniversary Celebrations.
With gratitude,
The CHIEF Ministry Team
Celebration Events
Phoenix Celebrates
March 18 -19, 2025
Join us Tuesday evening as we celebrate 50 years of impactful service. Worship with our special guest soloist, Steve Green, and be challenged by our guest speaker, Will Graham, grandson of Dr. Billy Graham. Wednesday will be a day of leadership training led by key Native speakers.
Chicago Celebrates
Fall of 2025 – TBA
In the Heartland, this celebration will be a time to connect with CHIEF supporters, future leaders, and share stories of God’s faithfulness through the generations.
Washington DC Celebrates
November 7, 2025
Join us in the nation’s capital at the world renowned Museum of the Bible. Our featured soloist, Steve Green, and historian William Federer will focusing on the history of the Bible in Native America.
Voices of Impact
“Thank you, CHIEF for providing the resources I needed in preparation for ministry among my own people, the Navajo Nation. I am forever grateful for your support.”
Billy Tallas, Navajo
New Pastor among the Navajo
“It has been a joy to serve as Chairman of the Board of CHIEF and see the many tribes and nations impacted over the years. Their work is truly transformative.”
Arlan Melendez, Paiute, Shoshone, Washoe
Former Chairman of the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony for 32 years
“The dedication and passion the CHIEF staff have inspired me to volunteer and make a difference. Their mission resonates deeply with me.”
Dick Conser, Choctaw of Oklahoma
“I have witnessed firsthand the positive impact this organization has on countless lives. Their commitment is unparalleled.”
April Wesley, White Mountain Apache