CHIEF Prayer Circle

Please join our CHIEF Prayer Circle and pray each day for the things that are near and dear to the heartbeat of our ministry. Thank you.

Daily Steps

31 days of intercession for Native First Nations.


Pray for the revelation of the truth and grace of God for whole families to come to know Jesus as Lord and savior.  Psalms 67: 3,  Acts 16: 31

Day 1


Ask for God’s healing touch upon the marriages. Pray that First Nations parents will walk in love and demonstrate forgiveness to one another. That commitment and trust will be strengthened between husband and wives.  Ephesians 5:21-33

Day 2

Broken families

Pray for reconciliation, healing and restoration for separated families. Pray for the children of broken homes. Over 30% of First Nations family are single parent homes.  Psalms 146: 8, 9

Day 3


Pray for fathers who will model the fatherly heart of God and will take their position of godly leadership of the home.  Ephesians 6: 4

Day 4


Pray for mothers to be strengthened and encouraged in the Lord to be an example of obedience to Christ and his loving care and nurturing.  Proverbs 31: 25, 26, 28

Day 5


Houses of prayer

Pray that houses of prayer would be established on every reservation and First Nations believers and others would be inspired to pray diligently for every reservation home.  1 Timothy 2: 1-4

Day 6


Pray for a spiritual awakening upon the native children and youth that they would discover their true identity in Jesus and His Word. Isaiah 54: 13, 14 

Day 7

Youth Ministers

Pray for youth ministers to reach the children and youth both in the urban areas and on the reservations. Pray for godly influences in their lives. The median age of the reservation is 17.  Matthew 9: 37, 38

Day 8


Pray for God’s divine intervention and deliverance for those with substance abuse, physical abuse, suicide, mental and sexual problems. Suicide among the First Nations people is twice the national average.  Hebrews 12: 12, 13; Isaiah 61: 1

Day 9


Pray for the protection and encouragement of pastors and other ministry leaders and for unity among these leaders pray for their families and their church family.  Psalms 91; Hebrews 13: 20, 21

Day 10


Pray for God to unite the body of Christ on the reservations and Native churches in urban areas.  John 17

Day 11


Pray that God would raise up intercessors in the churches who would be equipped empowered by God’s word and the Holy Spirit.  1 Peter 3: 12

Day 12


Pray for revival in the church to reach all ages with his grace bringing repentance and spiritual awakening that will transform their communities.  Ezra 9: 8

Day 13


Pray for the Native First Nation churches to have the financial provisions to fulfill their godly visions to take care of the church family and to reach out in the community.  Philippians 4: 19, Acts 2: 44-47

Day 14


Pray that there be networking between the First Nation churches and other churches in the body of Christ. Pray that the native leaders will be released in their gifts and their positions in the rest of the body of Christ.  Psalms 133: 1


Day 15


Ask God to raise up more godly leadership and laborers in the churches. Pray for increased leadership training opportunities in order to further equipped First Nation believers to carry on ministry through the local church.  Ephesians 4: 12-13

Day 16


Pray for reconciliation among the Native Americans, between the denominations, reservations and urban natives, tribe to tribe and bans within the tribes. Pray that cultural barriers will be broken.  2 Corinthians 5: 17, 18

Day 17

God’s Heart

Pray for God’s people to know his heart and word regarding the lost and receive his love and power to reach them with the truth.  2 Peter 3: 9

Day 18

People’s heart

Pray that God will pour out his spirit upon all First Nations people and prepare their hearts to receive the gospel when they hear it and the courage to follow Christ. Approximately 92% of the First Nations people do not know Christ as their Lord and savior.  Acts 10: 33-35

Day 19


Pray for Intercessors. Pray that God would raise up intercessors in the church. (Eph. 1:15-17)

Day 20

God’s Word

Pray for all First Nations people to have access to the word of God, be enlightened by his spirit and know the truth and love of God and those who have not received Christ had the faith to know him.  Acts 9: 31, 5: 42

Day 21


Pray for tribal leaders who have opened doors to U.S. government leaders with all favor and wisdom. There are 574 First Nation tribal governments.  Revelation 3: 8

Day 22

Tribal  Council Leaders

Pray for tribal leaders to have godly wisdom, knowledge, understanding, faith and courage. Pray for their protection and that their families would be safe from evil influences. Pray for those who do not know Christ to come to the saving knowledge of his love and grace.  1 Timothy 2: 1- 2; Proverbs 2: 1, 6

Day 23

Law Enforcement

Pray for all the law enforcement men and women who uphold the law for protection, honesty and discernment and wisdom in every situation. Ask for God’s blessing and protection upon their families and for an end to brutality.  Psalms 106:3 

Day 24

CHIEF Finances

Pray for financial needs of CHIEF. We trust daily in His faithful provision. Pray that God’s people respond from their heart in 2024!!

Day 25

Ministries of CHIEF

Pray for the three main areas of ministry in CHIEF, evangelism, disicipleship/mentorship training, and ministry of helps.  Mark 16:15, Matthew 28: 19-20

Day 26

Prayer Warriors

Pray for CHIEF Prayer Warriors.  Pray that God would place on your heart, family and friends who would join you as a prayer partner for Native First Nations people.   James 5:16

Day 27

Pray for your neighbor

Pray for the Native First Nations people in your state or province.  Who is your neighbor?  Reserch and find a tribe or nation in your state or province. Consider going to a church service, sharing a meal, making a new friend in Christ.  Luke 10: 29-37

Day 28

Spirtual Growth

Pray and give thanks for the spiritual growth of the indigenous church, young Christian Native leaders desiring to serve and go, impacting the next generation for God’s glory .

Day 29


Join us in prayer and celebration as we look back at 50 years of God’s grace and favor, blessing and honor in CHIEF’s ministry to Native First Nations people in North, Central and South America!  Praise the Lord.

Day 30

Native Christian Leadership

Pray for examples of Native Christian leadership in the church, among families and represented in our Native communities. (Ps.127:1)

Day 31