Outside of Chicago, in Elgin, Illinois, sits Judson University. Founded in 1913 as the liberal arts college of Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, it was named after Adoniram Judson, the first American Baptist missionary to foreign shores. Recently May 11, 2022, Judson University held its 34th annual Community Breakfast, where it welcomed local leaders, first responders, alumni, and others. Judson’s President, Dr. Gene Crume, recognized two special guests; one local business for its service to the Community and the other for an exceptional high school senior who was awarded a Judson University scholarship.
The theme of this year’s breakfast was Devotion. CHIEF President Huron Claus was the key-note speaker and used Philippians 3:4-8 to challenge the audience to be imitators of Christ and to be devoted to His Word. No matter what “status or position” one might hold, the Apostle Paul wrote, “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil. 3:8a). Huron reminded the audience of Christ’s personal sacrifice on the cross for each of them. He further reminded them to be devoted first to Christ, then their families, and finally to the work that God has given them. Huron concluded his talk by signing the Hallelujah song in the native language of the Seminole tribe.
Huron has been invited back in October to be the key-note speaker at Judson University’s Alumni Breakfast.